
workshopKelly Blackburn has traveled the TOUR circuits since 1994 working with golf’s greatest athletes. She has trained thousands of amateurs and prepared many for Q-school. Kelly has authored 2 golf fitness books, has a complete line of golf fitness DVDs and training aids!  Her workshops and clinics feature information on trends in golf fitness, mechanics of the swing and muscles involved, the direct benefit of each exercise in relation to the swing and its immediate benefit to performance on the course.

Experience this unique approach to enhance your own golf performance and instruction! Your clients will experience increased club head speed, distance, power, focus, concentration and reduced risk of injury!

Workshop: A workshop is defined where Kelly Blackburn will come to your facility to personally work with professionals to become certified Golf Fitness Trainers.

Qualifications: Certified Fitness Professional or Certified Golf Teaching Professional.

You Provide: The specific type of room(s) and or outdoor area with the amount of space required will be determined by the number of projected participants. To ensure a quality educational experience, the environment needs to be free from outside noise and distractions, adequate restroom facilities be provided and that the room (if chosen to conduct indoors) is cleaned and climate controlled.

You receive: Your facility will be advertised on our monthly schedule. For each participant outside of your facility that attends the workshop, you will receive a 10% discount for each of your own professionals for hosting the Golf Fitness Trainer Certification training workshop. Example: if there are 5 participants outside of your facility participating in the workshop, then you receive a 10% discount for 5 of your professionals. There is no fee for hosting the workshop.

Attendance Requirements: There is a minimum attendance required of 25 participants.

We Provide: KBE advertises the workshop. KBE will process all workshop registrations and fees. KBE will ship all materials & equipment to workshop site. KBE will provide airfare, hotel, meals & transportation for Kelly Blackburn.

This workshop includes:

  • Golf Fitness Instructor Training Book
  • Instructional Swing Training DVD
  • Instructional Flexibility Training DVD
  • Instructional Strength Training DVD
  • Golf Fitness Equipment
  • Golf Fitness Trainer logos
  • Golf Fitness promotional material
  • How to Market Golf Fitness Manual
  • Instructor Exam
  • Golf Fitness Certificate and CEC documentation
  • Approximately 8 hours of instruction/lecture/practical exam from Kelly Blackburn

To inquire about hosting a workshop within the U.S. 48 contiguous states email Kelly.

To inquire about hosting a workshop outside the 48 contiguous states and abroad email Kelly.