One On One with Kelly

KBheadshot2Now you can train one-on-one with Kelly Blackburn in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, home of the PGA TOUR…

Train with PGA TOUR professional fitness consultant Kelly Blackburn as your personal instructor the same way she trains advanced players and all levels of touring professionals. You will receive an analysis of your golf swing, overall game, physical analysis and one-on-one instruction from Kelly Blackburn.

Kelly will then write a personalized program including the drills and concepts taught that need to be practiced to take your game to the next level. You will then work for two hours one-on-one with Kelly to review and reinforce those drills and concepts.

Kelly Blackburn has traveled the TOUR circuits since 1994 working with golf’s greatest athletes. She has trained thousands of amateurs and prepared many for Q-school. Kelly has authored 2 golf fitness books, has a complete line of golf fitness DVDs and training aids!

Visit our Pro Shop to find out more about Kelly’s products.

Tuition Includes:

  • Physical and Game analysis
  • Personalized Fitness program
  • Golf Fitness DVDs & Equipment
  • Approximately 4 hours of evaluation and individual instruction
  • Practice Facility
  • Fitness FacilityNote: Hotel recommendations available upon request.

To inquire about a one on one session with Kelly Blackburn click here